The Fashion Spot Momtastic
La Prairie Essence Of Skin Caviar Eye Complex

La Prairie Essence Of Skin Caviar Eye Complex

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  • 9

    Dramatic improvement in fine lines under my eyes

    After using it for a few weeks, I noticed dramatic improvement in the fine lines underneath my eyes. It's a very good eye serum. After I dab it on, it gets absorbed immediately and doesn't feel greasy at all. The only downside is the price.
    kagomenyc | 51 reviews

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  • 8

    Very easy on the eye

    I use this every day, it makes me feel like I just had an eye lift. It makes my skin feel so smooht, the eye make up will go on much smoother and with easy. Cost is a little hight but its so concentrat that it last about 6-8months
    carla | 3 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  3 of 3 people said helpful

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