The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Rusk Engineering CTC Technology Professional Str8 Iron 1 1/4 Inch

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9 Best Flat Irons

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  • 10

    Nothing like it

    This is the best flat iron I've ever owned! I've had more expensive, the same price range and less expensive than this one- no other glides through your hair or makes it look as incredible and still feel silky smooth as this one. I have a Bayliss right now and can't wait to get another one of these, I even sometimes go to my neighbors house who has this flat iron and use hers (more times than I'm comfortable admitting, lol)
    GirlMeetsGlitter | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Worth every dollar

    BEST flat iron ever my hair has never been so soft and shiny
    Ladykjun79 | 1 reviews

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    Review subject

    I personally prefer the Karmin G3 Salon Pro because it cause less damage than the other flat irons and keeps my hair soft, shiny and very straight.
    mtaylor722 | 9 reviews

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