The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Alterna Hemp Sculpting Putty

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  • 10

    This is the best

    I have been using this putty for years. The smell is amazing and it's not tacky or sticky like most hair puttys. It has an irridescent look to it and a little goes a long way. This jar lasts me for about 8 months and my hair is medium length. I like to use it for control with my bangs. You must try this!
    CupcakeCutie | 33 reviews

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  • 10


    adds texture AND shine
    jlvt07 | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    Great Putty

    The Alterna Hemp line is fantastic. This product smells delicious, feels a little bit like melted taffy, and once it's distributed in your hair, makes it soft, thick, and "piece-able." And a little goes a long way!
    lizzie_j | 10 reviews

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