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John Masters Organics Deep Scalp Follicle Treatment & Volumizer for Thinning Hair

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    Has a pretty strong herbal woodsy scent. Feels very refreshing on the scalp. Haven't noticed major difference in growth.
    marlboro1220 | 105 reviews

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  • 10

    Works Wonders

    I just bought this a week ago from Whole Foods and I've used it twice since then and both times, to my surprise my hair looked AMAZING. It smells divine and really does volumize. Most volumizing products end up making my hair greasy after about 12 hours, but this stuff....I can go 2 days without shampooing and it still looks fluffy and shiny. I don't know if it makes hair grow, I'll have to more wait a few weeks to see, but as far as a great organic, natural volumizer this is hands down the best....and I'm even comparing it to all the non-organic products I've tried. It is pricey, but definitely worth it. Besides, who doesn't love supporting a smaller company?!
    NotoriousGOT | 27 reviews

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    So far, so good!

    I'm on my second bottle now, and I can see and feel a lot of new growth on my scalp, especially near my hairline. It has a very yummy, pleasant smell, and it gives my hair nice, soft, touchable volume. My one complaint is that the bottle only lasts me about about 2 1/2 weeks. It is rather pricey, but considering the results I've gotten so far (plus that it's basically two products in one, a styling aid & scalp treatment) I'll definitely buy more.
    deliciousbeauty | 4 reviews

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