The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Goldwell Trendline Straight Diamond Gloss Shine Spray

Goldwell Trendline Straight Diamond Gloss Shine Spray

11 Best Shine Serums and Sprays

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  • 10

    shines like diamonds

    After trying several shine sprays and serums, I finally found one that actually works. This spray adds a beautiful sheen without weighing my hair down. It makes my hair soft and the shine last for hours. I'm so happy I found a shine spray that gives my hair the glossy sheen I've been looking for.
    Stacy_gapeach | 29 reviews

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  • 10

    Super Gloss

    This is a really good product adds lots of gloss/shine and smells wonderful.
    vem7 | 83 reviews

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  • 9

    The Best Shine Spray is Goldwell's Diamond Gloss

    Do you blow dry or straighten your hair? If you answered yes, then this product will help keep your hair looking healthy. Spray on just a little product after you have blow-dryed or straightened your hair and your hair will look healthier and feel soft! It might seem like a lot for $15 but because you only need a little, it can last for 3-4 months.
    YmaeaB | 2 reviews

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