The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Lush Soak and Float Shampoo Bar

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    Unfortunately, this was my first Lush solid shampoo experience, and it did not go well. I have heard such great things about their solid shampoos, and was SO excited to try this. After consulting with the sales associate at my local Lush store, we had come to the conclusion that I needed to get this one - Soak and Float. Despite its WEIRD scent (smells like a campfire...which I don't morey mind...), the supposed benefits were very appealing which was essentially nipping dandruff in the bud. I have HORRENDOUS dandruff, and was like "YESSSS, FINALLY something that is natural and convenient and exciting and new and not Head and Shoulders which is what my parents use, yay!!" OH EM GEE. The first day I used it, I noticed an exponential increase in dandruff already...and it seemed to just get worse from there. I used it for about a month about 3-4 times a week, and it got BAD. Way worse than any dandruff I had before. I thought maybe it would take some time to work its magic, but no. I gave it 4 weeks of my life and hair to no avail. I switched back to my beloved Aveeno dandruff shampoo (which is getting really hard to find...), and was relieved by week 1. Review to come on that later. The 3 stars I did give this product are for the following: hair cleanliness, convenience of product, and sheer novelty and fact of it being a solid shampoo (which I loved). Overall, a pretty big disappointment. WOMP WOMP.
    strawberrytime | 32 reviews

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  • 4

    soak and float

    I tried this bar because I had a pretty itchy scalp. It seemed to help a little but the smell is very pungent! I probably stopped using it before I really could see results but THE SMELL IS PRETTY BAD!
    tanyanicole | 24 reviews

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    Review subject

    Didn't help much with dandruff like it said it was supposed to but I liked it as a shampoo. The smell isn't great but using a conditioner can get rid of it the bad smell.
    razzburry | 7 reviews

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