The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Oscar Blandi Crema Shampoo

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  • 10

    Oscar Rocks

    When you look at the product you may think that it is a little costly, but the quality is outstanding. I have found that I only have to wash my hair one time with it, not the "wash, repeat" you find on some shampoos and my hair is clean. I also use the conditioner to go with the shampoo. My hair holds the color better when I use this, and I have more shine, and depth of color. I found more hair to be smoother with more body and having a great shine. I have been dying my hair for a while, for fun, but now I have to dye it for "looks" <age sucks> lol and this shampoo is what I use to keep my color "real".
    tameable | 3 reviews

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  • 7

    It is ok

    I have been coloring my hair for years now so my hair does have some damage. This along with the conditioner didn't give me enough de-tangle aspect that I would like. One great thing about it though was that it made my blonde more vibrant.
    bbcamp | 117 reviews

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