The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Oscar Blandi Balsamo di Jasmine

10 Worst Conditioners

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  • 8

    Quality costs

    This product was much bettter than I expected. I bought 'sample' sizes of the shampoo and conditioner because I was skeptical of the good reviews and the cost. First, it smells wonderful - but not so much as to interfere with perfume. More importantly, it leaves the hair soft and full.
    nicci4694 | 25 reviews

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  • 24 Best Conditioners

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 9


    I love this conditioner. With a tropical scent, it has a smoothing serum that works great on frizzy hair! The price is a little on the high side, but for a product that actually does the job that it says it does, it is well worth the price! The bottle of conditioner lasted about 4 months (and I have long hair).
    nlclark | 78 reviews

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