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Oscar Blandi Seta

Oscar Blandi Seta

11 Best Shine Serums and Sprays

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  • 9

    my polishing cream of choice

    let me preface this review by saying, a review merely of the price of the product does no good to anyone seeking a REVIEW OF THE PRODUCT. and the low points just drag down the average and sway people making a quick judgement. and i don't find anything overpriced about a 4 oz. tube that's $19, unless your a drugstore brand kind of person. (frederic fekkai's glossing cream is 4 oz. $20) Seta doesn' more have the the best smell, but neither does Fekkai's. It matches but not mimicks that of the Jasmine line from Blandi. This cream works to give hair definition, shine and light texture. I use it when hair is towel-dried before blow drying and a little after at the ends of hair (for a slightly piece-y look). As with all silicone based products, too much will leave you greasy, that's obvious. But i really like the ingredients in Blandi's products and this one is no exception (olive oil, rice bran oil, geranium, aloe vera, chamomile, green tea, vitamin e, soybean oil, vitamin B5). When it comes to hair products, less is more, however the market is oversaturated with different versions of essentially the same thing. Shine and protect products come in different forms not different formulas. This plus a shine spray is really all you need for styling and protecting. It works like a leave-in (similar to Salerm-21 products) or a finishing product. On par with Fekkai's glossing cream, and i use them interchangeably when i get tired of one or the other.
    lissasioux | 44 reviews

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  • 3


    way over priced
    imgrammy | 15 reviews

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