The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Oscar Blandi Pura Straight

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    Keeps hair soft and shiny

    Although it's not the best straightening product out there, it did help significantly with cutting down the time "fighting" to get my hair straight. It also leaves my hair shinier and silky soft. It also smells great!
    Cameo2882 | 1 reviews

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  • 8


    This straightens hair without weighing it down or adding grease. It also cuts way down on blow drying time. With a good brush and hair drying I don't even need a flat iron.
    NoraCharles | 90 reviews

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  • 6

    Not my favorite but just fine in an emergency

    I have quite a few Oscar Blandi products but while this isn't bad at all there are other straighteners that work better with my hair. I was going to the carribean and was concerned with humidity but this didn't do much-smoothed out a bit but not nearly enough. Go with Kerastase or Kiehl's.
    OCBeautyJunkie | 62 reviews

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