The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Kevyn Aucoin Beauty Creamy Glow

Kevyn Aucoin Beauty Creamy Glow

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  • 10

    love it

    I recommend this with a stipling brush or Sephora's HD Brush. I love to sweep this on the apples after going over with a mousse bronzer or a tinted moisturizer.
    Shimmersauce | 12 reviews

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  • 10

    Perfect Glow!

    I just recently purchased this blushing cream in the popular "Liquifuchsia". This color can be startling to some since it is vivid hot-pink. However, I dabbed some onto the end of my stipling brush and had amazing results. The blush blended into my skin and gave it a light, rosy glow that was subtle and not overpowering at all. It was easy to use, has real staying power and looks moregeous! I highly recommend this product. It's a little pricey - but the quality is worth it.
    krudder30 | 189 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  8 of 13 people said helpful

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