The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Boots No7 Moisture Quench Day Fluid

Boots No7 Moisture Quench Day Fluid

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  • 1

    Didn't moisturize

    My mom picked this up for me because I needed a better moisturizer. I have dry skin and I was hoping this would do the trick. I liked the consistency because it seemed thick enough to where it would be moisturizing. After using it for about 3 weeks my skin got worse I thought it was my face cleanser but as soon as I replaced the moisturizer my skin was instantly better. It leaves a film over morethe face which makes your face look greasy and yet it fails to moisturize. I haven't used this brand before and I don't plan on using it again. Afterwards I tried out Garnier's skin renewal and it is super light but extremely hydrating.
    art_ificial | 2 reviews

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