The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Wet n Wild MegaProtein Mascara

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    The protein complexes promising to help my lashes grow come with a quite unpleasant smell I can only describe as "natural" even though other natural/organic mascaras I've tried have smelled better. The formula is very watery, so it washes off easily, but smudges easily. The brush has no bells and whistles and is powerless to even out clumps that may arise. It adds a teensy bit of volume to my morees, and I've only noticed this when I've paired it with another mascara to make my lashes stand out more. The black pigment looks the same on my lashes regardless of whether I've applied one coat or three. There are plenty of other mascaras for the same dirt cheap price that are of higher quality.
    Perfectionista8 | 35 reviews

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