The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Wet n Wild Face Styling Brush Kit

7 Makeup Brushes You Actually Need

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  • 5

    Not so good.

    The eyeshadow brushes weren't soft at all. It was too hard and eyeshadow powder wouldn't stick on it. Using these, my eyeshadow would run out fast because these brushes literally make my eyeshadows break into little pieces. The blush/bronzer brush isn't too bad. Overall, if these brushes were softer, then it'd be worth buying.
    lovelesly | 134 reviews

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  • 1

    Not good at all

    I bought this set thinking that it will be an extra set that I can use or carry around in my bag. This is a really bad set. The brushes are very hard and not soft on your face either. it is impossible to cover your whole face with the big brush, I just through out the whole set. Dont waste your money
    nashams | 115 reviews

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  • 6

    A Fine Basic Brush Set

    I use these brushes every day for applying foundation and eyeshadow. I get a fine application every time, and these work pretty well compared to others I've used. A bristle or two might come loose now and then, and I would like the bristles better if they were a little gentler on the skin, especially the eyelids. Go for this set if you want some basic brushes until you can afford something a bit nicer.
    new2beauty | 17 reviews

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