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Aubrey Organics Primrose Tangle Go Hair Conditioner

Aubrey Organics Primrose Tangle Go Hair Conditioner

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    Love it

    This stuff is perfect for anyone looking for a daily leave-in that you can use on your hair dry for a freshen up between washings. ZERO build up, quick dry, light-weight. I did not give 10 b/c the sent is very very nice BUT at first a bit over-powering. BUT if this is a trade of in order for the ingredients to have the correct potency then I will take it.
    AnastasiaDubois | 12 reviews

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  • 10

    Aubrey Organics Primrose Tangle Go Hair Conditioner

    This is a lovely product that really works. I have long hair, almost to my waist, and I find that no matter how careful I am in the handling of it, it will sometimes tangle. This generally happens most around the time I need a trim, always a sure sign! But, just a few sprays of this, my de-tangling comb and I have no problems combing out my hair, ALWAYS from the bottom, UPWARDS! Gently, gently, moretreat your hair like silk and it will reward you. Another thing that works for me, is I NEVER blow dry or use any heat elements on my hair, with the possible exception of once or twice a year, the holidays, you know?! This is not as impossible as it may seem. If you wash your hair the night before, let it dry to damp, then you can use those new rollers that don't require pins and don't tangle or tear hair upon removal and you'll have beautiful waves and a head full of hair with body, no damage done! Good luck and give this product a go, it WORKS!!
    Rubypoet007 | 20 reviews

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