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Aubrey Organics Sea Buckthorn Moisturizing Cream

Aubrey Organics Sea Buckthorn Moisturizing Cream

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  • 10

    Good Product

    I use this on my face in the winter. My face is oily but this doesn't bother my face or make it break out.
    Giggigirl | 3 reviews

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  • 8

    great healer!

    silky cream, decreased my redness and had a soothing effect breakouts healed faster (repurchased because of the healing effect it had for me) no sunblock, best for night use or if you wear it under some mineral makeup since mine has spf rating and skin cancer seal on it! I also bought the green tea mouisterizer by aubrey and would wear sea buckthorn at night and green tea with sunscreen during more day! cream does have a orange tint to it from the sea buckthorn oil in it, no problem if you rub it in evenly (did not look orange) the sea buckthorn is what gives it the healing properties among some other good for your skin ingrediens! Will buy again!
    diana5aug | 1 reviews

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  • 9

    great for calming skin/ rosacea

    Aubrey's Product quality is great. I've tried a number of different products from their line. Sea Buckthorn oil is supposed to help with Rosacea, and I have super-sensitive, tends to get really irritated and red skin. Since this doesn't have any sunscreen, I would recommend using this at night and using an SPF cream durning the day. Adding this and sunscreen might be too much on a hot day. more watch, the cream is a peachy color, does not turn your skin orange, but don't get it on your clothes. It does come out with some oxy or clorox2. I noticed a lot less redness, its a very calming cream. One sales person at the health food store said to get the smallest pkg. you will use, as it does change over time since there aren't many/ any preservatives. I would recommend using this and the sea buckthorn toner at night.
    pgoss45 | 2 reviews

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