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Avene Retrinal

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  • 9


    Renova was too harsh for me (and too much for my budget). Needless to say it also dried my skin. Avene's Retrinal is just right! There is no added dryness and after several weeks of use there is a noticeable difference in skin texture, a smoothing and softening. A little timid, I began slowly at first just using it every other night. Now, I use it nightly with absolutely no skin irritation or morecessity of following it with a moisturizer. I'm eager to see what the results are after months of use when I've noted improvement in just weeks!
    gailcooke | 31 reviews

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  • 6

    What can I say...

    Try it for yourself
    azn185guy | 5 reviews

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  • 7

    Dermatologist recommended this

    My dermatologist has recommended replacing the Retin A perscription product with this. It does seem less harsh, but I cannot yet tell how effective.
    dlbrewer | 33 reviews

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