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  • 10

    Arbonne Detox tea

    this tea is now called Essential Detox Tea. this is great after a glass of wine to clean out your kidneys and liver, but the most important thing I've been told is from a friend who had gastric bypass surgery. She was very limited on what she could use. She tried this and found her appetite was suppressed and it didn't bother her stomach. I'd recommend it for everyone.
    lisa_caron | 3 reviews

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  • 9

    Great detox tea!

    I was a little skeptical at first but after reading the reviews and researching the ingredients I decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did! After 3 days I could tell a huge difference in how I felt. I'm no longer dragging myself out of bed in the morning:) I have one cup in the morning and one at night
    adlrn264 | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    This tea rocks!

    This tea is amazing. I noticed a huge difference in my digestion as soon as I started drinking it. I also checked out all the herb properties and they are a great blend to detox the body and help with digestion. I lost about 11 lbs in the first month I was drinking the tea, along with eating a better diet. The tea tastes great, too - pepperminty with a hint of fennel. A must-have even if you don't want to lose weight - it's just good for your body.
    sabbie_cat | 14 reviews

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