The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Goldfaden Daily Scrub

Goldfaden Daily Scrub

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  • 10

    Awesome Product

    I was lucky enough to win this product, Goldfaden has just earned a new customer. The Daily Scrub makes my skin look and feel great. The skin appears brighter, much softer and overall healthier. A small amount goes a long way. I can not wait to try the other products this company offers.
    MShopper63 | 8 reviews

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  • 10

    This Product is amazing!!

    I use this once a day and it makes my skin look and feel so beautiful! I started getting comments on my skin about a week after using the daily scrub! Seriously, everyone needs to have this. The ruby crystals are perfectly round, so it does not scratch your skin. This is worth every single penny!!! I am totally hooked now...
    logan | 2 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  5 of 9 people said helpful

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