The Fashion Spot Momtastic

GiGi Strip Free Honee Microwave

15 Best Hair Removal Products

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  • 8


    Wonderful product! Much better than the other ones I tried! This was recommended to me by the local beauty supply. Anyway, the product took like a few minutes to heat up in the microwave, but it was very easy to apply on the skin and when I pulled it off, it didn't hurt much at all! I love this product. Wax is hard to get off the skin though. It's frustrating to get the rest off your skin when you pull it off.. other than that, this wax is great =) It saves you a lot of money by doing it at home.
    Angelamay14 | 83 reviews

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  • 10 Worst Hair Removal Products

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 5

    5 stars

    This product worked better than other at-home wax kits I've tried, but it could be better. I found that it takes a while for it to melt, and it doesn't remove fine hairs. After growing out my leg hairs for weeks and looking like a jungle woman, it only grabbed a few hairs and I just went back to shaving, which was a waste. I did find that it worked pretty well when I waxed my arms the first time moreround. The second time, either the hairs were still too short (though they look pretty long to me) or they were too fine for the wax to grab, so I ended up with hairless patches here and there and ultimately, gave up again.
    miki | 25 reviews

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