The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Lipstick Queen Saint Rouge Lipstick

10 Best Lipsticks

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  • 12 Lipsticks We're Obsessed With

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  • 10

    i love her

    if my lips could actually talk they say where have you been all my life poppy.. i ve tried red so many times and yet never found the one that doesnt make me look ,,,,trashy.... i look classy with a 50s twist . she puts shea butter in her lipsticks and the pigments arent harmful, Poppy really has put her life on her line, and the power of lipstick available to every woman and she succeeded more i also love the Chinatown line in thriller and her Medieval... soon i think ill just have to buy the whole display, you could say im kinda obseesed,
    tanje_zammiello | 10 reviews

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