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    Raw Minerals Active Veil SPF 18

    I ordered this once and really liked it along with the mineral glow foundation. Have been looking for it ever since.
    julie_hollis | 1 reviews

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  • 9

    Love it

    When I first received this makeup I have to say I was a little intimidated and the first time I applied it I had a huge mess. But after a couple of times I have it down and it is great not heavy at all.
    stunn68 | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    Awesome Awesome Awesome!!!

    This product is the best! I've tried other top of the line mineral veils, they always seemed to leave my skin extra oily, this one didn't.
    elimay517 | 2 reviews

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    Again, amazing product!

    This whole line is just plain amazing! It is definitely worth any amount of money. This does look sparkly in the pot as well as the glow, but when you put it on your skin, it just diffuses light and you don't look like you have sparkles on your face. It is light as air and you cannot tell you are wearing makeup nor can you feel it on your skin. If you are looking for natural beauty that actually moreoes improve the look and feel of your skin, get this line. The active veil does not sit in fine lines or crevices either, so as well as diffusing the light away from them, it sits on top for a beautiful finish with the sunscreen to boot!
    kahribar | 20 reviews

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  • 8

    smooth and clean

    this active veil halps my skin look smooth and refreshed. It is better than the mineral veil form BE by far!
    beautychat | 19 reviews

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  • 10

    this stuff is amazing

    Honestly, I've never used anything that has made my skin soft and healthy, and it has improved my skin so much over time, I now wear this alone and feel so pretty. I would recommend this to anyone.
    00angel2pet00 | 3 reviews

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  • 9


    So nice and smooth to apply and to wear
    jodeez | 6 reviews

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  • 9

    A little pricey, but well worth it!

    I don't usually like wearing makeup, but tried this, and even though it's really light, it really brings some life to my overworked and dry skin! Alsso great because of the spf and certainly wears all day.
    chocolatesatie | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    Sun protection without feeling HEAVY!

    Not sticky, non smelly .. light protection.
    LABelto | 2 reviews

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    raw minerals active veil

    This producr actually does what is says it will. Helps to create an even skin color tone.
    rawminerals3 | 5 reviews

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