The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Raw Natural Beauty Raw Minerals Concealer Brush

7 Makeup Brushes You Actually Need

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  • 9

    Not Just For Hiding Spots

    Though this is an excellent brush for covering blemishes or red splotches, I found it works wonderfully for applying the creme shadow for smudging. I just use the tip and it makes application a snap (especially the thin line of creme beneath one's lower lashes. But back to what it's designed for. It seems a tad smaller than the usual concealer brush which makes it easier to use, but more morely is the handle. The short thickish handle fits well in my hand. I will accept that it might be the two-toning that changes the perception of the brush but I'm not convinced. Good quality, understated. I like it.
    LeChat | 31 reviews

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  • 10

    Perfect Concealer Brush

    I love this brush so much. It is wonderful being made out of natural hairs, which are the best for makeup brushes. I love how much product that it can hold in the small tip and so it is enough to cover any size area that you need that extra coverage on. I would highly recommend this brush to anyone who is looking for the perfect concealer brush.
    Schelley13 | 8 reviews

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  • 10

    Very nice

    The brush is soft and contours to each spot. I love my set of brushes.
    geronimo8540 | 15 reviews

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