The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Pureology Nano Works Shampoo

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  • 9

    The Best!

    I've used this for years and still feel it's one of the better shampoos out there. It smells great and leaves my hair feeling extremely soft and hydrated. The price is a little crazy but if you can stomach it, this one's definitely worth it!
    nicoleeverett | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    High damage repair

    This shampoo is the only one I found to work wonders with my difficult hair.
    hotsherry | 7 reviews

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  • 10

    This stuff works!

    I always have used Pureology in the purple. I wanted to try this Nanoworks, but thought it was way to much $$$. I have to say it is well worth the price! My hair has done a complete 180 in two weeks. I have foiled blond hair that has had its share of damage, my hair was braking and even though I had grow out, I was never getting any length do to the braking. My hair feels wonderful now! Long hair is on its way to stay...
    katestrother | 6 reviews

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