The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Supersmile Clinically Formulated Oral Rinse

Supersmile Clinically Formulated Oral Rinse

6 Best and Worst Teeth Whiteners

Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 5

    no big deal

    its fine - does not do anything that a drug store mouth rinse won't do. you can only use a small amount or you'll foam at the mouth for several minutes. lol nothing great...too expensive for me to repurchase.
    BlackberryAddict | 37 reviews

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  • 8


    make your mouth feel nice
    jrpowell50 | 33 reviews

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  • 14 Worst-Teeth Cities

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    It's Average

    I just recieved this in the mail after ordering it online. This stuff ROCKS! It's really mild at first , then as you keep swishing it in your mouth , it really lets you know it's working! It has definately got some sass to it , in a really GOOD way! The Tingling really lets you know it's doing SOMETHING good! I use the Supersmile Whitening Toothpaste and the Accelerator moret first , and following them up with this Oral Rinse really , seriously , made me feel like I just left the Dentist! And that feeling does not go away quickly. Also , after looking in the mirror when I was done - THE VERY FIRST TIME - I swear I could see that my teeth were a little bit less dingy and stained. Overall , I rate this product a 10 , with a Bullet! I encourage ya'll to give it a try. T don't think the majority of you would be sorry. Sincerely , LinnyCip
    LinnyCip | 3 reviews

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