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SkinMedica Sensitive Skin Cleanser

SkinMedica Sensitive Skin Cleanser

17 Best Face Cleansers

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  • 10

    Super Gentle

    I started using this product after getting chemical peels done. I love it, its incredibly soothing and doesn't burn. If you have any skin sensitivity then you'll adore this cleanser. Its a cream based, so it won't cause any irritation. It does remove makeup, but you'll skin want to use a makeup remover beforehand.
    BrookeSS | 38 reviews

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  • 8

    Good Product

    My doctor gave me this after having after surgery to use around the incision and scar tissue while healing. It was very creamy but not greasy. I liked it a lot but there are other products that will do the same job that are not as pricey.
    amyred | 4 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  0 of 0 people said helpful

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