The Fashion Spot Momtastic

DERMAdoctor Ain't Misbehavin' Medicated AHA/BHA Acne Cleanser

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  • 8


    I've always had really bad acne (mostly cystic) and lately my skin is the worst it's EVER been! I had a huge event and I had about a week to go into crazy-time-to-clear-my-skin mode. I used this face wash, a homemade exfoliant, Mario Badescu's drying mask and milk of magnesia and my skin looks awesome! I would use the MOM and drying mask on my pimples and keep it on throughout the day / more In the morning when I washed it off, my skin was noticeably clearer. Although I had help from other products, I can definitely tell the cleanser did most of the work. And it didn't dry my skin out! FYI ; I still get pimples with this stuff but I'm going onto my second week of using this so I assume my skin is just "purging". But if it works this soon into using it, I'm sold!
    delaneyadele | 25 reviews

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  • 9

    Yay clear skin!

    This is a really great product. Really helps with the cystic acne and hormonal breakouts. I don't think I could ever be fully acne free, however this makes me come close. I never wanted to be on any acne medications and so I went on a rampage going through as many creams/cleansers/systems you name it. I stopped as soon as I tried this, I got a sample at sephora and immediately went back to buy more It doesn't dry out your skin, but still makes you have that squeaky clean feeling. It's very calming and great for if you do breakout. I've bought it about 3 times and not thinking about straying away from this product.
    lyndakaye | 2 reviews

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    I have suffered from acne all my life and I have tried everything from pro active to clinique and everything in between. I tried this on a whim because the guy at saphora swore by it and I thought why not. To be honest I didn't have too much faith in it because Ive never heard of the brand. Basically this product has changed my life! I saw results instantly and people from work even noticed my now beautiful acne free skin!! Definitely a must buy product!!!!!!
    jackie | 49 reviews

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