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Rogaine Women's ROGAINE Topical Solution

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  • 1

    avoid at all costs

    Made my hair fall out when I stopped using it I was warned but didn't listen and thought I could wean myself off it. I now turned to natural products only My hair is growing a rapid 2 inches a month. I'd recommend Anaqah hair growth cream and new sprout oil that's all I use now. Avoid chemicals or tablets it's a waste of money and you have to wonder if it's harmful.
    ayshi_mitchell | 1 reviews

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  • 1

    Hair. Growth

    Hair growth loss
    Nasteema | 1 reviews

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  • 5

    I don't know how to feel about this product

    first of all I've never use it but my dad did. He told me that it really made the difference for him but things started to get bizarre after he stopped using it. His hair fell apart (like all the area where he used rogaine) and by doing research online I found out that it happens to a lot of people. My only advice is ROGAINE IS THE LAST RESOURCE BECAUSE IT'S DANGEROUS you can loose all your hair moregain and even more hair like it happened to my dad. If you don't believe me search for it in alopecia related blogs.
    Raonei | 44 reviews

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