The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Space NK Hand Lotion Rose

Space NK Hand Lotion Rose

12 Best and Worst Hand Creams

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  • 8

    Nice quality hand lotion

    I have a friend who loves all things rose smelling so when I get a rose beauty product, I automatically put it aside for her. Her latest present was this new Hand Wash in Rose from SPACE NK. They just released a new collection of Hand Washes and Hand Lotions and they are both made with organic essential oils and some of the purest ingredients like vegetal glycerin, silk proteins, coconut and more Rice? Hmmmm, not sure how rice plays into either of these. On the front of the packaging is a cute outline of the different lines on your hand – heart, head, life, fate, etc. And these two lines are the official roll out of The NK Code. This is the founder of Space NK, Nicky Kinnaird’s, commitment to using the best ingredients inside products marked with this stamp.
    cybelesays | 51 reviews

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