The Fashion Spot Momtastic
c. Booth Ginger Sugar Body Scrub

c. Booth Ginger Sugar Body Scrub

18 Best Body Scrubs

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    My #1 Body Scrub Pick

    As a fair-skinned gal, I gotta work harder to get the all-over glow those tanner girls sport. I've tried my hand of products, and I've got to say that this gem is hands-down my favorite. Before I even opened this jar, I was pleased by the price-tag. I picked this up at Rite-Aid for about $8, which is far cheaper than another scrub I tried (which pretty much failed to impress me). moreGinger often comes across as a kind of "meh-sounding" scent for body treats. At least to me it did. But when I opened this container in the midst of a warm, soothing shower, I was greeted with a sweet and spicy aroma that left me even more relaxed. This stuff is DENSE, too. Ever stare with disappointment into an empty jar of expensive body scrub that lasted maybe, like, a week? Happily, this joy-killer did not comprise my experience with this product. A little bit goes a long way. I also loved the utter "grittiness" this scrub delivered. I understand that some skin types don't fare well with harsh scrubs. But if, like me, you're looking for an intense body exfoliation, just turn to this powerful little tub of wonderfulness. My skin looked and felt fresh, revived, and bright. It's like St. Ives for your arms, legs, elbows, feet, and knees! And other places below your neck.

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    This product is awesome for dry skin. If you have dry itchy skin it leaves it smooth and silky. I use it once a week. I have recommeded it to all my friends and co-workers.
    farleygirl | 1 reviews

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