The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Palladio Lipstick

10 Best Lipsticks

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  • 9

    Great red!

    I was very impressed by the selection of colors and had some difficulty choosing! But I was in the market for a vibrant red to go well with my ivory skin with pink undertones, so I went with "Toasted Orange." The color swatch looks a bit glittery, but don't worry, it goes on matte if you don't wear any gloss under/over it. I love the versatility of it - and the fact that it STAYS ON whether I more a pure matte or wet gloss look. I'm also very impressed with the packaging - it's a beautiful, glamorous container that rivals the ultra chic ones that Dior and Lancome are so famous for.
    Shara525 | 14 reviews

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  • 12 Lipsticks We're Obsessed With

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 1

    Smell aweful...

    I saw this brand at my CVS and bought 2 of those to try out. The color is good but they smell aweful. It didn't last long on me either. It also made my lips itched... Threw them away after several tries.
    pvannie | 5 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  2 of 4 people said helpful

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