The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Too Faced Teddy Bear Hair 5 Piece Brush Set

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7 Makeup Brushes You Actually Need

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  • 10

    Some of the best brushes you can get.

    These synthetics brushes are so soft and antibacterial it makes you wonder why anyone would bother with natural fibers. They are well shaped and dense too. I wish that Too Faced would expand its line because these are some of the best brushes on the market.
    Selenite | 72 reviews

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  • 13 Best Makeup Tools

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Sooo Soft!!!

    After much research and review reading I decided to buy this brush set and I am so happy I did!!! Not only are these brushes incredibly SOFT but they pick up the right amount of product and work great! The brush case they come in also really nice because there are about 10 brush slots (you get five brushes so this is really nice if you get more!)and a small dectactable bag (inside)to put makeup or anything else in! This product is wonderful and sooo worth the money!!!
    Rukia1 | 5 reviews

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