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  • 9

    It doesn't flake and stays put in extreme heat!

    This is by far the best mascara i"ve ever purchased. I do Bikram yoga ia a heated room for 1 1/2 hours, and this waterproof mascara stands up to that! I wear it everyday!
    toni_melland | 2 reviews

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  • 1

    Didn't Work for Me

    I am a mascara junkie. Anything new I usually try it. For me it didn't work. I found my lashes clumped and when I tried to remove it that night it was nearly impossible.
    hbratset | 3 reviews

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  • 4

    not my favorite...

    I love the dramatic false eyelash look from a a mascara. I thought this product would do the trick. However, it was no different than just a run of the mill mascara. Looking for drama? I would go more with covergirl last blast.
    Abs8707 | 10 reviews

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  • 12 Worst Mascaras

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  • 3


    I am very fortunate. I have really long nice lashes. This mascara did NOTHING to enhance my lashes or make my eyes look any better. I threw it out after a few uses. Just not a great, ot even remotely good, product.
    jayeno | 30 reviews

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  • 2

    Not a big fan

    I tried the lash stiletto because I thought it would really lengthen my lashes and make them look thicker and fuller. All it did was majorly clump up and it came off easily. I don't think I will be using this one again....
    CMolina | 5 reviews

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  • 10


    Wow This is the first mascara I ever bought, as I've only started to wear mascara the last couple of years... I have to say, of all the products I've tried since then, this is still one of my favorites.Doesn't Clump, Defines & Separates, Lengthens, Applies Evenly. Keeps my lashes up until I remove my make-up at night. The consistency of the mascara is not too thick, so I don't end up having moree lashes or spider lashes. I would say this is perfect for someone who wants mascara that adds an extra 'oomph' to their eyes, but doesn't do anything too dramatic.
    shawnta04 | 1 reviews

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  • 7

    not that bad!

    i have been using this mascara off and on for a few months and i didn't think it was so bad. i never noticed a smell. i have really long lashes already, so maybe that's why it worked alright for me. i did notice that it got dry and clumpy after about a month, though.
    elleseaare | 44 reviews

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  • 3


    I was excited to get this! a girl i knew had this and it looked nice on her , so it only looks good if your going for a more natural look about 2 coats? and it does kind of lengthin your look. but me i like dramatc look, its clumpy..doesnt curl well! and most of all TOOK OUT HALF OF MY LASHES & WAS A PAIN TO REMOVE!
    B2UTY | 5 reviews

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  • 7

    Traded Stiletto for Explosion

    I tried Maybelline Stiletto mascara and wasn't happy with the results. After seeing a commercial for L'OREAL Telescopic Explosion Mascara, I decided to try it. I was nervous at first because of the brush itself. But L'OREAL has a free tutorial "how to" video on how to apply. The video was only about two minutes long and once I tried it for myself, I was very pleased with the results. I have never moreused false lashes and I've been asked if they are after I use L'OREAL's Explosion mascara. Needless to say, I'm very pleased with my look.
    Flor_Gitana | 1 reviews

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  • 7

    I really like it

    As a makeup artist, I have used a TON of different mascaras, being that lash stiletto is a "drug store" product, you definitely get a lot of bang for your buck, gives amazing length and the shape of the brush really allows you to get into the inner corners of the eye. Granted, you may have better results with a higher end mascara, but as far as Im concerned, lash stiletto is by far the best moret I have ever used on my lashes for under $10. (A great tip for when using this mascara, take a compact mirror and hold it below eye level, look down into the mirror and make sure you are getting the wand as close to the base of the lashes as possible, using this trick will really maximize the potential of the brushes lengthening abilities.
    aliza_kravitz | 2 reviews

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