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  • 10

    Luscious Lips Lip Pump

    Just got this product a few days ago and I can already see a difference. You have to use it correctly. But. IT. Works! Using the conditioner makes it work as well as it does. I love this product!

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  • 10

    Use it correctly and it works

    I have an a temporary filler in my upper lip. It hurt sooooo bad and it was gone in 3 months. So, I tried the Lip Pump and when I use is the way she says ... 10 days to condition, 14 days just 3 pumps then as much as you want ... it really works.
    magsparker | 1 reviews

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  • 2


    Or maybe I am using it incorrectly but the instructions seem simple enough. It simply has not worked for me in the five months I have had it. I have used it twice a week. then stoppec. Will give it another go but I still think it is bogus. JMO.
    jayeno | 30 reviews

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  • 10 Best and Worst Lip Plumpers

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  • 9

    DRAMATIC Results - LOVE it!!

    I absolutely LOVE this product!! I don't think it's any more expensive than some of the lip plumping glosses out there (i.e., lip fusion). The only difference is it says it can increase your lips by up to 50% and it's NOT a marketing lie!! It is the only lip plumper I've found that actually delivers on its claims, and that's worth a lot. Because this is a "lip pump", one does need to morelow the directions carefully to ensure desired results are achieved and no bruising around the lips occurs (do this and you will have an ultra sexy pout in no time). Also, the plumping effect will only last a few hrs. at most (from my experience), but this can be said of all lip plumpers as well. The only real drawback of the product is that it is a bit cumbersome to use for "touch ups". In order to "re-plump" throughout the day, you have to go somewhere private - unless you want to suction your lips into a tube out in the open - and you must retouch your makeup afterward as well. However, I think Luscious Lips is great to use for a special occasion or just when you need a self-confidence boost. And you can use it throughout the day everyday if you like, it just takes a little more patience and planning. Bottom line...this product is WORTH it and you'll be amazed at the results. I've done an in-depth review of this product on Youtube as well, in case you'd like more info and to see before and after pics :-) My channel is VividMakeup and the video is entitled Luscious Lips: A Lip Pumper Review
    VividMakeup | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    It's amazing!

    I baught the Luscious Lip pump early 2008 I believe and have never once regretted getting it. I've had lip injections twice to get the full lips I've always wanted and both times were expensive and painful. The first time I actually got an infection and had to suffer through weeks of pain and swollen lips to heal. This device is safe, cheaper, and it did a better job then the injections did. I moreed hundreds of dollars when I baught this lip pump. It works better then injections with now ugly swelling or bruising, no down time to heal, and it's very durable as I've had it for years and it's still like new. My lips are fuller then when I got Juvaderm injections and everyone is always complaminting me on my nice lips. This is like having an everyday lip injection without the expensive doctors visits. Some of my friends and family have tried it with great results and always beg me to give it to them, which I never do. This Lucious lip pump always gives me the full lips I want that last for hours and it's so small I can carry it with me through the day if I need a "touch up". If you want fuller sexier lips then you really should buy this product. It truly is amazing.
    Fulllips | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    I absolutely love this product!

    This product is awesome. I use it everyday and it lasts about 2 hours I would say. When I look at myself before and after its amazing lol. My lips look huge but natural as well. Seriously, you women who are thinking about getting lip injections, think twice. Because you may very well change your mind if you try this first. I really do love it! So does my mom :)
    Roflx3 | 1 reviews

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  • 9 Lip Glosses We're Obsessed With

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    This WORKS!!

    As an anti-aging and beauty expert, I'm called upon to try every new thing that comes along. Now, I didn't even think my lips needed plumping because I have always had "shapely" lips and even at 50, they looked pretty good. Well, was I mistaken!! I started using the Luscious Lips lip pump in December '09 for just TEN seconds a day (seriously!) and within a few days I started to notice moreat my face looked "different." Better. I couldn't really put my finger on it at first, but then it hit me - my LIPS ARE FULLER! My face looks more symmetrical!! Well, let's just say I'm hooked on the Luscious Lips lip pump! I now have the lips of a teenager with NO injections, NO pain, NO down-time and NO big expenses. This is DEFINITELY one of my top Aging Backwards secrets!! :)
    AgingBackwards | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Wonderful product

    After years of being on the "bigger lips" journey I've finally found something that really plumps my lips. I've had painful injections that broke the bank and only lasted a few months. Plus, the infection that came along with it was terrible. This products does just what it says it should. After you prepare your lips you can let the plumping begin. I've had mine for about a year and moren't even thought about using anything else. Just a few pumps and I have full sexy lips that last for hours. I carry it with me so if I need a touch up, it's easily there. It's worth the money, believe me. I love my lips.
    Cutesabb | 1 reviews

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  • 9

    A Lip Plumper that DELIVERS What It Promises Without Pain, Stinging or Injections

    I have this device. I know it might look strange but it really does work. I had a problem with one side of my lip becoming assymetrical and I started using this product, after 10 days of gentle 3-4x pump, my lips became symmetrical again-- and that was over 6 months ago. I still use it 3-4 x a week and my lips look great. No more thin or assymetrical lips. It's non-invasive. It doesn't sting, moree are no injections and it's very affordable. NOTE: do follow the directions carefully because you can bruise your lips if you don't. It's worth buying because your lips will naturally increase in size and the collagen will increase the size of your lips too. It's really an interesting & safe product.
    Stevie | 1 reviews

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