The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Sia Botanics Deep Hydration Night Creme

16 Best Night Creams

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  • 10

    Must-have in a dry climate

    This creme effectively quenches my dry skin when it's at it's worst (I use on my face and hands) after hours in the desert sun or an evening near a blazing fire pit.
    Fabulous_at_40 | 2 reviews

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  • 9

    Recently ordered and i loved it!

    This was referred to be by a friend and don't regret the purchase at all, so I'm not surprised to see it as #1 ! There is no overbearing scent and the texture is great...,my face felt great the morning after, so I can only imagine what long term wear will result in =)
    ZombieMetroAnt | 1 reviews

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  • 13 Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Products

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  • 9

    Love love love love it!

    I would recommend this product to anyone that loves a great moisturizer. It's soft, light, smells great, and WORKS! I've worn it during the day and at night--it's just wonderful!
    crystal_mccue | 2 reviews

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