The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Edward Bess Ultra Slick Lipsticks

Edward Bess Ultra Slick Lipsticks

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  • 10

    Edward Bess lipstick

    You know when you find the "perfect" product (whether it's concealer, lip gloss, whatever) and you never want to use another? Edward Bess lipstick is that perfect product. I have tried every high end brand (I have an allergy to sodium benzoate, the preservative in a lot of drugstore lipsticks) and this is tied for first place in my mind. The lipstick applies with an amazing color payoff, a moreum shine, and for the very first time ever, I found a creamy lipstick that doesn't disintegrate into a goopy useless mess at the bottom of the tube after a week of frequent use. It's WELL WORTH the price because I can use the entire lipstick tube without it breaking or melting. Even in these cold dry winter months, this lipstick keeps my lips moist eliminating the need for lip balm altogether. There are limited shade colors to choose from, but even I (extraordinarily pale) can find three that are neutral and flattering. Give this lipstick a try! You'll thank me later.
    BlondieMcSteel | 10 reviews

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