The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Bond No.9 Andy Warhol Success is a Job in New York

Bond No.9 Andy Warhol Success is a Job in New York

13 Awful-Smelling Fragrances

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  • 10


    Anyone into perfumes and such KNOWS the quality- just in case you don't... Bond no. 9 is a brand unto itself! It completely wowed me as the latest in the line of products from them! I put it on in the crowded dirty city in the morning and by afternoon- the scent was as fresh as if I'd just applied it. This is more of a springtime/daytime scent for me though others might digress. When discussing moretter quality scents- money is not the unique value. This is pricey- however, for an avid lover... Worth the money!
    kara3489 | 3 reviews

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