The Fashion Spot Momtastic
La Prairie Anti-aging Day Cream SPF 30

La Prairie Anti-aging Day Cream SPF 30

15 Best and Worst Lightening Creams

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  • 10

    Really good Moisturizer

    I love this product, it's the only product that has worked on my combination-acne prone skin. It moisturize the skin deep into the skin, and it sinks so fast leaving the skin matte and glowing. This product doesn't produce any breakouts on my skin, and that is say a lot 'cause most of the other products makes my skin prone to acne. Maybe a splurge to this product that i used and it was good too mores Lancome renergie multi lift spa 30 for all skin types, but La Prairie it beyond better, so recommend it and it worth the money, the whole line its amazing.
    Kingkdiaz | 6 reviews

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  • 10

    great product!

    i bought along with alot of other stuff from the "anti aging line" the women that help me from the lp counter said that be cause i have more of an oily skin type that she would reccomend the anti aging emulosion day cream but i tried it there and didnt like it be cause it was too light (and i like a cream that i can feel on my face and i like that dewy kindda look) so i tried this and it was morelly an amazing cream belive me and i promise you this is the truth.......... even that this is a cream and i have more of an oily skin type, this was still sooo good to my skin. and it just MELTS in your skin leaving a BEAUTIFUL LUMINOUS GLOW!!! i really like this cream on how nice it makes my skin look since im using this line my skin looks better then it ever was UPDATE:NOV 2011 i dont use this cream anymore since i came across the radince line from lp AND FELL IN LOVE. i bought the radiance cream and the radiance serum and thats what im using now because it gives me a glow to DIE FOR!(but EACH cost about 600$!!!) but this anti aging cream still is A VERY VERY good product and i would still with no doubt recommend this WONDERFUL AND FANTASTIC day cream :-) and its great for anti aging sarai from israel :-) p.s. sorry for my spelling errors
    sarai | 23 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  18 of 33 people said helpful

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