The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Peter Lamas Soy Hydrating Conditioner

Peter Lamas Soy Hydrating Conditioner

10 Worst Conditioners

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  • 10

    Life Changing!

    This Conditioner actually changed my Life - by completely changing the texture of my Hair! Let me explain... I have VERY long naturally Salt & Pepper Hair, and I wear it down except in the Summer Months. Last Fall I tried Lamas Beauty Soy Hydrating Conditioner, and from the first day I was hooked! My Hair became easy to Comb, Soft as Silk, and full of Glowing Shine! I began getting Compliments on moremy Hair as soon as I walked out the Door! I totally recommend this Wonderful Product to Everyone! I Love Love Love it!
    Anniefox | 1 reviews

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