The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Neutrogena Deep Clean Relaxing Nightly Cleanser

Neutrogena Deep Clean Relaxing Nightly Cleanser

17 Best Face Cleansers

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  • 7


    First off, don't be fooled by the name. You could get away with using this product in the morning, too. It is a great cleanser for normal to dry skin, but I wouldn't recommend this product for acne prone skin. It clears away dirt and oil, but it does very little for acne. My mom swears by this stuff, and she has dry skin. As I have combination skin, it does very little for my acne. It smells nice, though. It doesnt leave my face tight, which I like.
    megsy509 | 3 reviews

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  • 9

    Like, Not Love

    I only wash my face at night in the shower and use astringent alone in the morning, so I thought this product was perfect for me becuase it says "relaxing NIGHTLY cleanser" (and that's exactly when I wash my face). So thinking this was specifically designed for me, I bought it and found out that I like it a lot. My face feels really fresh and clean without feeling dry or tight like moree other cleansers do. It also gets the rest of the makeup off my face that my makeup remover may leave behind. Plus, the smell is really nice. The only problem I have with this cleanser is that it doesn't fight acne that well. I have problem skin and I personally just need something a little stronger. But other than that, I like this product very much.
    Tessa17 | 9 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  4 of 5 people said helpful

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