The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Neutrogena Healthy Volume Mascara Regular

12 Worst Mascaras

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  • 6

    Not bad, but wouldn't buy again

    I really do want to like this mascara. It goes on clump free, (which for me is half the battle, one tiny clump and I'm annoyed) and it does stay on for a long time. It also does come off very easily, but this leads me to the problem I have; I could put on three coats of this mascara and still look like it really isn't there. I have long, thick lashes that are blonde tipped (I have blonde hair) moreso I need something that really gives a dark color and I just don't get that with this. I need to look in the mirror and see my lashes "pop," and this does not do it. I think if you are looking for something you can swipe on quick and not worry about clumps or losing it during the day, this is a great pick. But if you have lighter colored lashes and you need something to really make them stand out, this is not for you.
    Mrs.Endres13 | 4 reviews

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