The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Broadway Nails Fashion Express Nail Kits

Broadway Nails Fashion Express Nail Kits

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  • 10

    LUV EM :)

    I am a big glue on nail junky...I used to wear them all the time when I was a teenager, since I was a nail biter and then stopped getting them and went to acrylic nails for about six years or so...after realizing that I couldn't keep up with maintenance of the acylic nails I went back to the glue on ones, and went on a buying spree :) I have at least 20-25 boxes of different brands laying around moreor use...but these are by far adorably cute, festive, affordable and Fun....I love the array of designs and styles :) I think they run about $2-$4 depending on where u get them but they are totally worth it...KEEP IN MIND THEY DO NOT COME WITH GLUE....these are awesome :)
    ruthiejane | 29 reviews

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  • 10


    The Fashion Express are absolutely gorgeous - I got so many compliments when wearing these beauties!
    maliez32 | 47 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  1 of 2 people said helpful

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