The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Karmissie Deluxe Threader Kit

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  • 2

    Not a fan, waste of money, bad customer service.

    I mostly agree with the other reviews here. I purchased the device after reading almost 20 "positive" reviews on Amazon, only to LATER read that those reviews are likely fake, written by friends of the owner. I actually gave the device to Goodwill, tax deductible is better than having useless plastic thing. I wrote them to demand my money back but no answer. Thanks Karmissie! you suck
    artieluv | 1 reviews

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  • 2

    Kind of hated it...

    This device is false advertising! No wonder I read that their products were removed from Neiman after bad sales. I purchased the threader and tried it on my face 3 times. It's so hard to use, not intuitive at all, and very uncomfortable. It's not so much the pain (no pain, no gain right?), but my hands hurt after trying to grasp hairs that were in sight, but somehow not in reach of the threader. My advice: stick to your current hair removal regimen, it'll save you the trouble and $$$.
    Tracie811 | 1 reviews

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    Waste of money

    For such an expensive product, this should have been a slam-dunk, win win win all around. In reality, it was lose big time all around. You really need some serious (read: major investment of TIME) training to be able to use this cheaply made device. Although it is plastic, but large and hard to control over your face, especially where your face curves. I've never written a review on this site, but i think people deserve a warning before tossing money down the drain.
    janice555 | 1 reviews

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