The Fashion Spot Momtastic
MDSolarSciences Mineral Creme SPF 50

MDSolarSciences Mineral Creme SPF 50

16 Best and Worst Sunscreens

Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 8

    Not Bad

    I have oily skin and I tend to break out whenever I apply sunscreen to my face. I have literally tried hundreds of sunscreen brands throughout my lifetime and this is the only one that rarely makes me breakout. It doesn't leave any weird smells either so everyone around you knows that you are wearing sunscreen. Very little is needed and it dries instantly on your face. It is a little liquidy but it works fine for me.
    csungirl188 | 18 reviews

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  • 10

    This stuff is wonderful!

    Goes on smooth as silk, not shiny, not white and pasty, didn't cause breakouts, best sunscreen I've ever used! Makes skin look smooth and matte. Love this! Have not tried tinted.
    dhvh | 2 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  1 of 1 people said helpful

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