The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Macadamia Natural Oil Healing Oil Treatment

21 Best Hair Treatments

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  • 10

    Fantastic product

    I have very long thick hair, and only need 1 pump of this to work through my entire mane. Smells great and nongreasy too
    breezy84 | 15 reviews

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  • 9

    great for chemically treated hair

    I use a small amount and work through hair while it's wet after washing. It helps it stay hydrated and not look fried from hair colorings and bleaching.
    elleseaare | 44 reviews

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  • 5


    A starting product into the line. After flat ironing, the little oil weights my thick Asian course hair down. It looks greasy. I will try to use it in between washes, but I have a feeling the scent doesn't compliment well with my natural hair scent.
    taylorsgems | 70 reviews

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