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Neutrogena Naturals Fresh Cleansing + Makeup Remover

14 Best Makeup Removers

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  • 10

    Why pay more?

    I'd been using Philosophy Purity Made Simple for years and loved the results but I can no longer afford to spend nearly $30 for 8oz of cleanser. I tried this because it is also a makeup remover just like the Purity. It is just as good at a fraction of the price. It does the job of 3 products and does it well. My skin is clean, makeup free and soft. Give this one a try. You won't be sorry!
    bigdaddysgirl63 | 1 reviews

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  • Ulta's 19 Best Skin Care Products

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 9

    Smells amazing

    Bought this to wash my makeup off in the shower. smells so good! and it doesn't completely remove all my makeup off, but it does a good job of getting most of it off. better than other cleansers.
    marisrad | 19 reviews

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