The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Estee Lauder Sumptuous Extreme Lash Multiplying Volume Mascara

Estee Lauder Sumptuous Extreme Lash Multiplying Volume Mascara

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    I got this mascara as a gift and loved it! I ended up losing it somehow (which I am still upset about) I would not buy this myself since I am cheap hahaha but if you are looking to spend a tad more on mascara than I am this is the one
    rachel.cupcakequeen | 14 reviews

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  • 10

    Great mascara!

    So for Christmas my mom gave me an Estee Lauder makeup set filled with wonderful goodies, & this mascara was a part of it. I really liked how big the brush was when I first opened it & couldn't wait to try it. It works really well! It made my lashes look thicker & longer, and also got to every lash, which was awesome. I haven't seen any clumps yet with this thing, and I hope not to! Definitely my favorite high-end mascara!
    palomalove | 37 reviews

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    Pros: You don't need a lot. It will make your lashes at least twice as thick and twice as long. It's pretty amazing. Cons: Clumps just a tad. Only a tiny bit though.
    anne_gray | 65 reviews

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