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Plus White Xtra Whitening Toothpaste

Plus White Xtra Whitening Toothpaste

6 Best and Worst Teeth Whiteners

Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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    This toothpaste works great! When used with the whitening gel , the results are wonderful.
    Ktorres29 | 18 reviews

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  • 14 Worst-Teeth Cities

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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    Plus White extra whitening toothpaste

    This toothpaste along with their whitening gel and rinse, is the best I've ever used and very affordable. I noticed a difference day one. I am a big coffee drinker so my teeth do show it. I use it at night when I am done all snacking and drinking. Tastes good.
    cunningham1157 | 12 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  7 of 13 people said helpful

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