The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Rita Hazan Root Concealer Touch Up Spray

Rita Hazan Root Concealer Touch Up Spray

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  • 1

    Be Careful - It Doesn't Wash Out!

    I searched for reviews of this product after using it. I should have looked before. I found only positive reviews on the Sephora website (Sephora is the exclusive seller of the product; which makes me suspicious now of that site). Once I put my review there I saw a question from someone who said "I've washed 3 times and it won't come out! What should I do?" I tried to answer the question but moregot an error message that said "submission cannot be found". Suspicious. Finally I found CVS reviews (I'm guessing they used to sell the product?). Like me, those people experienced the disgusting, sticky, gluey, pastey, dry feeling in their hair and immediately tried to wash it out. I shampooed three times with three different shampoos and then conditioned. I could still feel it "a LOT" in my roots. I have thin, fragile hair so I really didn't want to have to have it scrubbed out at the salon and lose more hair. In the end I rubbed a bottle of Argan oil all over my scalp and left it in for a while. That worked finally. I was so scared I'd never get that stuff out of my hair! Don't buy it.
    poie44 | 1 reviews

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