The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Clean & Clear Morning Burst Skin Brightening Facial Scrub

9 Best At-Home Microdermabrasion Products

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  • 10

    Instantly works!

    By far the best product I have used on my face and the only one that does what it says each time. Absolutely love it; smells great, feels great, freshens up the face and brightens tone instantly (I wouldn't have believed this can be true if I hadn't tried it myself). Unfortutnalety, I can't find this product in the country I recently moved to so I'm sparing my last bottle and only using it on morecial occasions - like my graduation day when I needn't worry about masks and an early sleep the night before! I completely trust it as a last min fix. That said..I noticed you only need a very tiny amount every wash so a bottle lasts a good several months. Very glad to see it on the top of the top10 brightening products - which I did not expect amongst all the expensive high-end products on the list. This just enforces how great it really is. P.S. On another subject; acne.. I have tried oh so many products, remedies, and derma treatments for years and have had my share of beauty clinics aswel, yet the only thing that has actually worked clear up my face recently is the Clean & Clear anti black-spots (the blue bar/bottle). I confidently recommend this brand.
    ReemHg | 1 reviews

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  • 9


    This stuff really works! My skin has brightened within 5 days
    auBs.B | 3 reviews

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